Basic Andor Thoughts From Someone Who Doesn't Particularly Like Star Wars (Spoilers)

(originally posted November 25, 2022)

My own relationship with Star Wars is that I was in elementary school and middle school when the prequels were happening - the perfect age for that, honestly; I still use a cheap plush blanket that has Episode 3 all over it, it's a perfectly good blanket okay - and once those ran their course, I was mostly good. I played KOTOR 2 a couple times, mostly because I like Obsidian rather than Star Wars. I saw the sequel trilogy and more recent movie spinoffs thought they ranged from solid (The Last Jedi, Rogue One) to outright bad (Solo, Rise of Skywalker). I finally played the original KOTOR just recently. I've ignored most of the Disney+ stuff.

This is to say, I've settled into a sort of indifference-learning-towards-grumpiness about the franchise. I try not to be too shitty about this, but old "I used the internet during the 00s" habits die hard. More recently, I've taken an active effort to mitigate this and, as they say, "let people enjoy things".

I watched Andor week to week with my good friend and noted Wars head @yotsuben, and I'd say I broadly enjoyed it. I'm no serious critic, so this'll be pretty surface level; I don't think I can speak too deeply about its themes or cinematography or wider place in the canon or anything, but I can hurl my gut check onto my (co)host's walls here. Proverbially.
(I certainly have other thoughts than listed here, but these stick out in my head, and just for the record I don't think "it will get resolved in Season 2" is a legitimate argument until after Season 2 is out.)

What I Thought Was Awesome

What I Thought Was Boring

What I Thought Was Confusing

What I Didn't Buy

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