Last time, we traded our brand new Toyota Land Cruiser for a shitty jalopy after smashing an innocent bystander's car. This time, we're continuing the drive from India through Pakistan.
Jotaro: It's 100% wool. Kakyoin:How are you not drenched in sweat? Cascada:He definitely is. Polnareff:How can you tell? Cascada:I've been with you guys for almost two weeks and none of you have taken a bath. It REEKS in here. Joseph:Hey! That doctor at least rubbed my arm down with disinfectant! Cascada:TWO DAYS AGO!
Polnareff: Yeah, this might be dangerous... We're right by the edge of a cliff, and there are no guard rails out here. Cascada: Hey, I think I see a town over there! Kakyoin: A town? That's odd. There's nothing of the sort on my map... All that's marked here is a cemetery. Polnareff: Yeah, but it didn't show any tunnels either. It's probably out of date! Besides, I'm parched! Let's look around for a hotel. We can't keep going in this fog.
Kakyoin: Yeah, we should wait until it clears up. Cascada: Sounds like a plan! Polnareff: Wonder what the hotels are like out here? I hope they have normal toilets! I'm still not used to the Indian squat toilets where you have to clean your ass with the faucet! I'm crossing my fingers for a decent bathroom.
TMI incoming: I got a bidet recently and I can never go back. My ass is so much cleaner and I'm using a third of the toilet paper I used to.
Kakyoin: Let's go to that restaurant and ask where the inn is. Joseph: Yeah. Jotaro: ......... Polnareff: ...Isn't it a little too... quiet? I'm so used to the constant assault of "Baksheesh" from the beggars and the onslaught of "very cheap, friend!" from the merchants. Joseph: I'm sure it's just because of this fog. They probably can't even tell we're foreigners. Jotaro:The hell they can't, Gramps. We're speaking Japanese. Joseph:What? We've been talking in English this whole time. Polnareff:I thought we were speaking French... Kakyoin:Just a moment, wha- Cascada:Don't think about it.
The exact right response to dealing with shitty tourists. Genuinely great gag.
Kakyoin: ......... Cascada: ......??? Polnareff: .........Huh? I-is it something we said? Joseph: O-oh, you don't have to close... Hahaha... We just needed to ask something! Do you know if there's a hotel here? That's all! A-ahahahahaha...
Joseph: Huh? H-hey, wait! What do you mean, you don't know? You live here, right? I just need to know if there's a hotel! That's all, I swear! ...Ah!
Still cleaner than your average American anime con.
Kakyoin:-whispering- ...Cascada, I'm only saying that IF that's the case, then that restaurateur would have heard us in Urdu or Punjabi... Cascada:Trust me, don't think about it. Joseph: (Was I the only one who saw it? I guess it really was my imagination...) Polnareff: 'Scuse me, sir! We're looking for a hotel... Preferably one with nice toilets... Can you help us? ...!?
Again, still better than your average American anime con...
okay maybe not that part
Joseph: W-what happened to him!? How'd he die in the middle of the road like this!? Cascada: Shouldn't someone have noticed him die in such a busy place...!? Kakyoin: What's the cause of death!? Heart failure!? A stroke!?
Polnareff:How would YOU be able to tell? Jotaro:I watch a lot of Columbo... Polnareff: ? What do you mean? Jotaro: Look at his hand. Polnareff: .........!! A-a revolver! And it's still smoking!
Cascada: The barrel's still hot... Cascada:And I know one or two things about guns, seeing as my arm's one... Jotaro: It must've been fired recently... Maybe 2 minutes ago? 5 minutes? Shortly before we got here... Kakyoin: I-is it a suicide!? But I don't see any blood or entry wounds on his body... Polnareff: Then how did he die...? Look at his face! It's twisted in terror! Cascada: The only thing that's clear is that it wasn't from natural causes of any sort... Joseph: I just don't get it... What did he fire that gun at!? What happened here!?
Both:Fuck the police. Joseph:I'm starting to come around on this one considering what happened in Varanasi...
Kakyoin: (Eugh...) We need you to contact the police. All:-inhale- F- Kakyoin:Not now!
Kakyoin: ...W-what an odd woman... No, it's not just that woman... A man is dead, but no one's crowding around, or even so much as glancing in this direction! If he fired a gun, someone must've heard... They're even more jaded than the people in New York or Tokyo... Polnareff:I thought Tokyo has some of the least gun crime in the world. Cascada:Nah, there's tons of it. Trust me, my arm is a gun. Jotaro: What should we do, Gramps? I'd really like to know how this man was killed... Could it be the work of a new Stand user? Joseph: It's possible... But I don't think so. What motive would they have to kill him? Why would they arrive in this town before us only to kill an innocent man? Polnareff:J. Geil was a serial killer and Devo murdered that bellhop. Kakyoin:Tower of Gray caused several airline accidents before Dio hired him. Cascada:......Vins turned Utah into a zombie.
Joseph: Yes, let's... Polnareff: Looks like the fog's getting even worse. Kakyoin: Seems like the whole town's covered in it.
Keep an eye out for corpses on the telephone lines.
When British India split into India and Pakistan in the late 1940s, the government of India printed currency for Pakistan until they could get their own setup going. This meant that for a couple years Pakistani rupees were literally Indian rupees with "GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN" stamped on them in English and Urdu.
Cascada: It's huge... And yet no blood is coming out. An open wound that big and that deep would be gushing the stuff... under most circumstances. Kakyoin:...what circumstances would it NOT? Cascada:Heat Ray; cauterizes instantly. Kakyoin:...I-I see... Cascada:The delinquents back home know to give me a wide berth now. Jotaro: This is definitely not a typical murder.
hey polnareff what the fuck
Cascada:Can we air it out first?
Joseph: Yipes! That was too close... Jotaro: ? Hey... What are you doing over there by yourself, Gramps? Are you going senile? Joseph:I didn't shoot spaghetti noodles at my best friend with to take lip from you, kid. I'm sure this is where we parked. Cascada:We clearly walked in from the left side of the screen... Joseph:......
Cascada: Do you really still feel like driving after that? Polnareff:I've had enough for today. That Stand user's Jeep drives terribly. Jotaro:I don't trust Gramps behind the wheel. Cascada:Now that you mention it, we've crashed ships, planes, and automobiles with him aboard... only the train was safe. Kakyoin:When was the last time you renewed your license, Mr. Joestar?
A little old lady comes in from offscreen.
Enya: There are a lot of steep cliffs on these roads... A lot of people get into accidents this time of year. I run a small inn around here... If you'd like, you can spend the night... I'll even give you a group discount. Polnareff: Whew... Finally, someone normal! Kakyoin: Let's keep on our toes. There's a strong possibility that a Stand user is in this town. It'll be easy for them to ambush us in this fog...
All:Fu- Kakyoin:-n looking place you have here, Madam! Cascada:Killjoy. Enya: Here we are, Mr. Joestar... This is my hotel! Come in and I'll give you a little tour. It's a very small hotel... But 20 years ago, they shot a 007 movie in it. Polnareff: Wow, no kidding!
Enya: Ho ho ho... Kakyoin:How is it when it comes to exuding colonial charms? Enya:Well, we're speaking English, aren't we? Colonial enough, sonny? Kakyoin:Wait, wha-
Enya: Don't be silly, sir! That man with the silver hair called him Mr. Joestar earlier, didn't he? Polnareff: Huh? Did I!? ...I don't really remember, but you're probably right...
I'm always saying this. I can't remember shit.
Enya: Oh... This? I... I-I burned it... I accidentally spilled boiling water on it... I'm getting old. Hyahyahya! Polnareff: What are you saying? You don't look a day over 40! I was thing of asking you on a date! Heh heh! Enya: Hyahya! Don't be such a tease, sir! <3
It obviously depends on the individual, but I wonder if senior citizens actually appreciate the "oh, you look sooo young!" act. There comes a point where flattery is just patronizing, right?
Sure, she's only thinking it, but this is the second time someone has specifically threatened to cut off Polnareff's balls. If I had a nickel, et cetera.
Polnareff:How much was it? Joseph:20,000 rupees a head. The American dollar's pretty good right now. Kakyoin:I... how much do you think a hotel room is supposed to cost? Joseph:I usually let my people handle that.
Cascada: ......... Kakyoin: That wasn't the issue, Polnareff. Cascada:You all STILL haven't bathed. I am going to suffocate.
Kakyoin: Then what's the point of the extra room? Polnareff: Well, this is a pretty creepy town... It's probably best not to sleep alone. What if an enemy were to attack? Joseph: You have a point. In that case, I'll stay in the room with her. Polnareff: Isn't that convenient for you!? You're the one I'd be most careful of, you old codger! Cascada:On three, everyone say who you'd LEAST want to sleep overnight in a room with. One, two... Three!
Kakyoin:Cascada. Polnareff:Cascada. Jotaro:The Machine. Cascada:P-, that backfired. Really? Kakyoin:Brass knuckles. You've been quite clear. Jotaro:I saw what you did to that Joey guy. Polnareff:I wouldn't want to be there when the old timer sneaks in! Hehehe. Cascada:Okay, tone it down, dude. Joseph:......
The wink-and-nod here is that Josuke Higashikata, the protagonist of Part 4, isn't Jotaro's grandson as per tradition (the setting was caught up to the present, so jumping forward would bring its own problems). Instead, he's Joseph's secret love child, making him Jotaro's uncle despite being half his age.
Timeline wise, Josuke's currently a little kid down with a mysterious fever just like Holly. Saving him is way more important, IMO.
Joseph: It's nothing! Well, guess we've just gotta kill time until dinner. Jotaro: .........Everyone. I've got a favor to ask. Polnareff: Hm? What is it, Jo- Jotaro: Hold on. Let me finish. I need you not to call me by my name. Joseph: What? Why? Jotaro: There's just something that's been bugging me. Anyway, can you do that?
And with that, we finally get to roam around. The Foggy Village is one of the smallest zones in the game, but I've got to do my due diligence here.
Cascada:Steel, do you even get reception out here? Steel: A town? There shouldn't be a town here... On this point on the map, there's just an untended graveyard for travelers. ...I think you should stay inside as much as possible. The Stand users all seem to be in the hotel... I can sense two enemy presences. Just take a walk around the halls... The enemy should show themselves eventually.
Steel is right. There are two ways to progress at this stage of the game: enter or exit the hotel room three times, or knock on Enya's door three times. The fourth in either case will move on to the next event, and that means you can only move around with (and grind up) at most two other party members here.
You are hiding a child, let that boy come home
The treasure chests include 5x each of Ripple-Infused Wine (5%+100 HP, 5%+5 SP for whole party) and Overdrive SY (3% HP, 20%+60 SP). As Joseph says, there're no vending machines or stores here, so that's all you get.
Despite earlier escapades, Polnareff and Joseph are now the ones lagging behind in levels, so we bring the Frenchman along first.
The hotel is a symmetrical three floors of locked doors and nothing else.
There's one other door that's unlocked, and that's where Enya is. As noted above, if you want to rush through you can knock a few times to progress things.
Let's take a quick jaunt outside.
Using the "cloud" tiles to represent fog is a neat effect here, I think. They're constantly undulating in a way that's hard to communicate in screenshots and makes .gifs way too large to upload here.
Zombies and Fireflies are the main encounters here, good for squeezing out the last few hundred XP to the next level and basically nothing else.
If you keep going in any one direction, the map loops back around like an old RPG world map. This village is toroidal.
There is one new encounter: the She-Zombie. They're different from regular zombies in that they can walk around outside of shadowed areas and aren't weak to Sunlight-elemental damage due to their full-body garments. I admit I'm not brushed up enough on such things to be able to tell if this is meant to be a chador, a niqaab, a burqa, or something else, but I imagine the sprite art is imperfect regardless.
At any rate, I get Polnareff and Joseph up to speed, and then I realize that you need to be with Jotaro to get the next event to proc and lose 20 minutes of progress. Don't ever say I don't do anything for yall.
We fade in on Enya alone in her room.
Hol Horse: Yeah, I just arrived a second ago. I followed them all the way here. Still, an old woman like you shouldn't be tasked with going after them all by your lonesome! Enya: ...............-sob- Ooooh... -sniff- Waaaaah! Oh, Hol Horse! Hol Horse: W-what's wrong, Enya? Don't cry! Enya: I... I'm just so happy! Thank you, Hol Horse, for coming to keep a lonely old woman company... Thank god you came here... -sniffle- You were a friend of my son, weren't you, Hol Horse? Hol Horse: Huh? Uh, yeah... -ahem- We were friends! Enya: Very good friends? Hol Horse: Yeah! That's right! Very good friends! We were an unstoppable combo! Is something wrong? You're not your usual self today, Enya! Enya: Did you come here to avenge my son?
Hol Horse:Why, I'd even use the famous cowboy phrase reserved for only your closest loved ones! He was my "giddy-up pardner"! Enya: That's why I'm happy! Hol Horse: !?
Once you're over 70, your battle cry becomes "Graaaawwww!!" no matter what it used to be. I don't make the rules.
Hol Horse: O-owww!! Yeaarrrgh! Q-quit it, Enya!!! Enya: How could you have the nerve to leave my son for dead!? I was set on killing you from the moment I saw you here! How dare you call yourself a friend to my son!? You shameless bastard! Hol Horse: W-wait! You've got it all wrong! J. Geil was already dead by the time that happened! Enya: Yaaaaaaaaah!! I'll never forgive you! You're as low as Polnareff! I'll give you the honor of a swift death at the hands of my Stand, Justice! Hol Horse: ...Ju- Enya:Justice!! The 11th arcanum that symbolizes all that is fair and righteous!! My Stand will judge you! You've probably heard rumors about it, but you've never seen it in action... Well, take a good look, Hol Horse!
Hol Horse: E-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!! Enya: What a nice, perfectly round hole... That fog is my Stand! Once they come into contact with it, all wounds, however small, will end up just like that! Looks like Justice wants to dance with you! Hol Horse: Urgh! W-woah!! M-my arm is moving on its own... Auuuuuuggghhh!! It's gonna break my bones! Enya: When the hole is opened, my fog can enter and control you just like marionette strings... You'll be my obedient little puppet! Now, die by your own hand, Hol Horse!
Hol Horse: M-mmmph... Pwah!! Hol Horse:Good thing I trained so diligently to remove my gag reflex! Hol Horse: G-god damn it! Don't relax just yet! Die, you rotten old bat! Emperor!
Here lies Hol Horse. Peperony and chease.
Justice is another decent early example of a kind of esoteric Stand. Giant fog cloud that enters through wounds and turns people into puppets? Sure! How could our heroes possibly get out of this one with the power of punching things real hard, spirit photography, stretching real long, and having a sword?
Also notable to me is that like... an old lady wanting revenge for her only son being killed is not an unreasonable goal. If J. Geil wasn't a rapist-murderer and Enya wasn't obviously evil and also working for Dio - the man who lit a dog on fire when he was 12 - she'd be edging towards slightly sympathetic.
Enya: -gasp-! Joseph: What's up, Polnareff? Polnareff: Nothing... I'm just gonna poke around the downstairs a bit. I'll be in the lobby if you need anything. Enya: (Curse you, Polnareffffff!! Coming in, are you!? I want to kill you so badly... Aaahhh... You'll pay for my son's life! I'll string your guts our like tinsel!)
After the long cutscene, we get an opportunity to save, and we enter another long cutscene. Good thing they're incredibly fun and engaging to transcribe like this! (THEY AREN'T)
Polnareff: You fell? You should be more careful! First your hand, now this... You're gonna end up seriously hurting yourself! Enya: Thank you! Sorry about that... I'll be fine, really! (Just buzz off! Who said you could come in here!? Damn it aaalllll!! I had to stuff Hol Horse's body underneath the sofa... He'll surely find it there! I'll have to remain calm... But no mistake, Polnareff! You'll end up just like Hol Horse in a minute! All I have to do is injure you a little... Then you'll be at the mercy of my Justice!)
You can in fact see Hol Horse's body peeking out from under the couch if you look closely.
I know what I just said about Enya being almost sympathetic, but seeing as she isn't, unintentionally tormenting her like this is actually pretty funny.
Enya: Oh, nothing... Nothing at all... Anyhow, it's just little old me... (Just leave, you inconsiderate moron!!) Polnareff: Hmmmm... I see...... Don't you get lonely? If your sons or grandsons were here, they'd be running around the lobby making a ruckus... Noisy, but it's not bad to have an extra company. Enya: G-grawww... Polnareff: I guess your children must be older than me now... What happened to them? Did they move to the city? Polnareff:Frankly, considering the condition of the town, I can't say I blame them, but... Enya: I had a son... But he's dead now... Polnareff: Oh... I... I'm so sorry! It must be a sore subject.
Polnareff: Pardon my rudeness... Here, let me give you a backrub. I'm also all alone... My mother died when I was young. You remind me a lot of her... This is bringing back memories! Just for tonight... Why don't you pretend I'm your son... And let me take care of you?
I feel like this is a completely unhinged thing to say even at the best of times. About the only context where it doesn't sound fucked up is one of those situations you see on "heartwarming video" compilations where an adult adoption or something is happening.
Polnareff: Hm? Did you hear something? Oh... Oh my god! Who is that!? Enya: (Ho... Hol Horse! He's still alive!?)
Did you really think Hol Horse would kill himself with his own magic gun?
Polnareff: You're Hol Horse! ...-gasp-!! Enya: Kehhhhhhh!!
Polnareff: What!? W-what are you doing!? Enya: Silence! I'm the mother of the man you killed... J. Geil! Polnareff: Urk! ...What!? Enya: All those responsible for my son's death must perish! Keeeeeeeee!! Polnareff: M-MR. JOESTAR!!
Polnareff: A walking corpse...!? Enya: Hee hee hee hee hee hee! This is the power of my Stand, Justice! Stands are one to a person... But my Justice is a fog that can manipulate dead bodies! My Stand can manipulate hundreds... no, thousands of dead bodies if it pleases! And even if you were to annihilate this entire army... You still wouldn't damage me! Hya-hya-hya-hya-hya!! Hol Horse: Every one of these townspeople... is dead... A-and if you get injured... You'll end up just like this... Polnareff... Polnareff: Y-your reason for hating me is totally backwards! And your Stand is just as twisted as your personality... Polnareff:I can't believe I considered calling you "Mommy", even for a moment... Enya: Just a tiny wound... Even the most negligible little scratch will do! My Stand will handle the rest! Attaaaaaaack!! Polnareff:Silver Chariot!!!
Polnareff: Damn this woman! Cleaving one or two of them is no problem for my Stand, but... I know what to do in times like these... Run for the hills! Hol Horse: Waaaaah! Polnareff! Don't just ditch me here!! Polnareff: Shut up, Hol Horse! I haven't forgotten what you did to Abdul! Why should I help you!? Just die, asshole!
Polnareff: Jesus! She's fast for an old crone! Enya: Eat this!!! Polnareff: Aaaaaaaaaaaugggghhh!!
Polnareff: -huff, huff, huff, huff- M-man, it's dark in here! Isn't this the way to the cellar? This isn't good... If I call for the others here, they'll never hear me. I could probably fight her normally, but if I get injured... I'll end up like Hol Horse, with my body full of holes! Damn it! There's gotta be an exit around here... Shit... I'd better hide in here!
Polnareff: (Fine! Come if you will! Smash the door in, I don't care! When you enter, my Silver Chariot will slice all 4 of you up before you can say "zombie"!) Polnareff: (........? W-what!? The noise stopped... What are they doing out there? C'mon! Do something already! ...Fine, I'll just take a little peek through the keyhole... then make a mad dash for the 3rd floor!)
There's something wacky about this scene of all scenes getting unique portraits.
Polnareff: Whaaat!? Oh... oh no! They got my tongue!
Insert some kind of "French kiss" groaner here. It's 8:30am and my Ritalin hasn't quite kicked in yet, I'm doing my best.
Polnareff: A-ahh... Auuuuggghhh!! Yeep! A hole opened up! Enya: Excellent! You've finally fallen into my Justice's trap! You'd better open that door before your face is crushed, shit-for-brains! Polnareff: A-auuuugghh... Ah... Ah... Eeeeeeeeee!!
Polnareff: N-nngaaaaahh...! Noooooooooooo!!
Polnareff is lifted up and slammed against the back wall!
Polnareff: !! What!? Nnngh! Mmmaauuggh! Enya: Make it clean enough to lick! Lick it! Lick it! Taste it, Polnareffff!! Rerorerorerorero!! Polnareff: A-ahhh... A-anything but that! Anything!! Aaaah... Help meeeeeeee!! Enya: !!!!!!! Tch! Someone's here!
Jotaro: What were you so preoccupied with that you couldn't hear me? ...Miss. Enya: !!! O-oh, you did, did you...? I'm sorry... My hearing's not what it used to be... Jotaro: ...Is that so? Anyway, have you seen Polnareff? Enya: (Nnngghhh... What should I do? Should I play dumb and say I don't know? No... This Jotaro brat... He's sharper than Polnareff! He probably already suspects something! If I try to play innocent, it's just going to make things worse... I'll just have to tell him the truth! Then, when his back is turned, I'll stab him with these scissors! My Stand will handle the rest!)
Polnareff: (Mmgh! Mmgh! T... that voice... It's Jotaro! Shoot! He doesn't know about her Stand yet! If he's injured, it spells the end for both of us! ...D-don't come in here, you idiot! Tell the others! That old hag's a Stand user!) Enya: He's in the bathroom! I saw him go in just a minute ago, Jotaro, sir! Jotaro: ......The bathroom, huh? Is that it?
Enya: A-ahh... That was close! Jotaro: Yeah, no kidding. You shouldn't run with scissors. Good thing nothing bad happened, huh? Enya: W-waahhh... Jotaro: Anyway, as I was saying... Sorry to ask you while you're on the ground, but... Why did you call me Jotaro just now? I don't recall giving you my name. No one ever called me that in front of you, either. Enya: !! Rrrgghh...
Jotaro: Oh, by the guestbook... Do you mean this one? Enya: Huh?
There's a pool of random names that can be used instead of the player's name. Hirohiko Araki is, of course, the creator of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Other options include "Mohammed Abdul" (RIP); "Ikuro Hashizawa", "B.T.", or "Irene Rapona", the main characters of previous Araki works; and "Doraecat", an offbrand Doraemon that briefly cameoed during the Yellow Temperance fight. Jotaro's own pseudonym of "Q-taro" is almost certainly a reference to Little Ghost Q-taro, a Japanese cultural touchstone of the 1960s also by the creator of Doraemon.
Meanwhile, "Tenmei" is another reading of the kanji for Kakyoin's given name, "Noriaki". Araki originally meant the character's name to be "Tenmei", but his editor assumed it was "Noriaki" and that's what made it to print.
Jotaro: I had a sneaking suspicion ever since you called Gramps by his name, so I instructed everyone not to use mine... Don't play dumb. I already know you're a Stand user, old lady. You just made it obvious.
You don't get to join in on this fight unless you're with Jotaro during the scene transition. Bit of a baffling move if you ask me, but I suppose it makes a certain amount of sense.
Jotaro: As a penalty for trying to pull one over on us... You're gonna take us on 2 VS 1. Enya: ............Keh keh keh keh... 2 VS 1? 2 VS 1, you say? Keh keh keh keh keh keh... Jotaro: Well? What's wrong? Why won't you show your Stand?
The corpse puppets jump us, but Star Platinum is faster.
Cascada: !... My body... it's being pulled by something! Enya: Gyahahahahahahahaaa!! My Stand, Justice, always wins! That little scrape is enough! You've fallen into my trap, Jotaro!
Hol Horse: C-can you speak, Polnareff!? Nggh... Jotaro! It's me! Hol Horse! Enya's Stand is composed of fog! It creates holes out of wounds and uses them to puppeteer people! Living or dead, it doesn't matter! Enya: Swallow your arm and shut up, Hol Horse! Hol Horse: Nngah! Enya: Sorry, it's not a 2 VS 1 at all! It's a 2 VS the whole entire town!!
Fucking finally.
Enya: Keh-keh-kehhhh!! You fool! You think you can punch fog!? Can you cut it with a sword!? Shoot it with a gun!? It's useless! Utterly useless! -cackle- Keh-keh-keh!! You can't do aaaaaaanything!! Hol Horse: T-this really is a top-level Stand... Our attacks won't do a thing... Our Stands are no match... No Stand is a match for it...! Enya: That's right, keep going! Say it again! It's music to my hears! Keh-keh-keh-keh! You're under my control now, Jotaro!!
Despite what she says, Jotaro does not start the battle under her control.
Like some of the optional bosses we've encountered, the gimmick here is that Justice is effectively invulnerable and repeatedly resummons the corpse adds. Enya will either heal herself or inflict annoying debuffs. Meanwhile, the corpses can beat on us while we're busy recovering from blindness or whatever.
Justice can also spread its fog, which has a chance of inflicting various status effects. It can blind you, knock you down, or...
Puppet status can't be cured normally with items, you have to wait for it to wear off. Meanwhile, the affected party member is going to just start attacking. Thankfully this was pretty much at the end of the fight.
If you're rolling with Jotaro solo, you'll probably want to use Brainstorm. Star Platinum, uh, uses its super lung capacity (???) to inhale all the fog at once, rendering Enya unable to breathe and causing her to pass out. Fight over.
Polnareff: What's it matter? Just give me the mouthwash. I need to disinfect my tongue. Kakyoin: ...I thought I heard him say something like... "Toilet"... Joseph: -giggle-... Pfffffft!! (I already knew! This is just too funny to let go!) Kakyoin: ...Pfft! (You're awful, Mr. Joestar.) Polnareff: What!? You knew already!? Who told you!? Jotaro!? You were just messing with me! Damn it! I don't want the mouthwash anyway! Joseph: Sorry, sorry! Just let me take a look. We don't want it getting infected. Since you... -ahem, ahem- ...licked a toilet. Gahahahahaha! Hee hee hee!
From what I recall (I think a Mythbusters episode?), the top of the toilet seat is generally cleaner than say, an average countertop. The lid is usually covering it, and the only thing touching it is usually just the bare skin of your ass, which is usually only touching your pants and not exactly interacting with a lot of pathogens. That said, I mean... it's a toilet.
There's actually a slightly different line here for every single player Stand. Some of them don't even offer mouthwash.
Jotaro: ......What a pain. Kakyoin: This journey really has been full of surprises... This time, the entire town was a Stand. Cascada:Yeah, we saw. Polnareff: I was pretty shocked myself! Cascada: Out of all the Stands we've seen, none of them could act on this kind of scale... Joseph: It constructed an entire town, moved the corpses, and even made them talk to us... For someone so old, her Stand is quite tenacious. Maybe it gets more powerful the more the user's hatred grows, just like that Devo fellow's... Polnareff: And to top it off, she's gotta be faster than Florence Joyner!
I admit I had to look this up. Florence Joyner was an Olympic sprinter, setting world records in 100m and 200m sprints during the 1988 Olympics. Her records still stand as of this writing.
Polnareff: Yeah! That's what I'm worried about! Joseph: Well, I talked it over with Jotaro, and... We're taking her with us. Polnareff: W-we're taking her with us!? Jotaro: There's a veritable mountain of information we need to get out of her. The other Stand users that are coming to attack us... Where in Egypt Dio is hiding... Something to narrow down our search. Also... We need to know what kind of Stand power Dio has. If we can force it out of her, we'll have an overwhelming advantage against him. Kakyoin: I don't think she's going to talk that easily. Polnareff: Why don't we just torture her? That could be fun! Cascada:Hey Polnareff, what the fuck? Polnareff:She made me lick a toilet! Death is too cheap!!
Hol Horse: Sorry, I'm sticking with Dio! See you later... If you don't die, that is! Polnareff: Get back here, bastard! That's our car! Hol Horse: As thanks, lemme tell you something! You'd better kill that old woman right now! If you bring her with you, Dio'll show you what true fear really is! Later!
Araki has indicated that he had some early plans for Hol Horse to join the party - there are even a few chapter-extra group shots with him included - but decided against it because he would have served the same purpose in the dynamic as Polnareff. Instead he gets to be a recurring comedy villain, which is almost as good.
These updates are getting too fucking long, I might have to impose some kind of self-imposed limit just so I don't go insane. Either way, see you again!