Shutting down the conversation

I'm extremely guilty of doing this in the past, so maybe I'm throwing stones in glass houses, but I've also put forth significant effort to be less of a dick lately and feel like this is a big pain point (especially in group chats or public spaces):

If people are chatting about something, then nothing is added to the conversation if someone drops in and says "oh that thing sucks lmao", or "that's a shit game haha", or "just do something else instead of that lol" or equivalent.

What is even the expected response to that? What is meant, other than, "I don't care what you guys are talking about right now and I decided you needed to know that"? No criticism or critique or any other word that starts with "crit-" is happening here. It's now just awkward to keep talking about the thing. The conversation has been shut down. And for what?

I get it. When people are talking about shit I don't like, I feel that urge. They're talking about something and I'm not? Clearly I must express my feelings on this matter. Why wasn't I consulted? How dare they ignore me! Someone is wrong on the internet!! Don't they know this is a waste of time!!!

The "well I think it's shit" response... it's using social norms as a bludgeon. Unless you're the kind of person willing to say "shut the fuck up, the adults are talking" to someone's proverbial face, breaking yet more social norms and almost certainly escalating the situation anyway, the conversation cannot continue.

And perhaps that is the point; to make people stop and recenter the room around one's own opinion, take the spotlight. Perhaps not. I can't claim to know anyone's (or even my own) motives with this kind of flash-in-the-pan response. Conversation -- especially at the speed of text, without myriad nonverbal signals -- might as well be a ship in a storm, at the mercy of the waves be they swells or tsunamis.

Maybe we all should just stop talking like we're snarky podcast hosts. Dunno. No punchline. The end.

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