24 - there was an app for that
For MicroBlogVember
I use my smartphone for remarkably few things, and I... think... I like it that way?
Like, off the top of my head here:
- Phone calls (rarely, it's always spam assholes or sometimes my mom)
- Internet browsing
- Discord
- Listening to music/podcasts
- Meditation app (I use Calm because I got a lifetime subscription years ago, but I wish they would quit messing around with how things are laid out)
- Youtube
- Checking Yelp if I'm eating out
I have one (1) game currently installed on my phone, and it's the mediocre-but-passable Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions port.
I mean I dunno. If you got any Must-Have Apps (edit: Android) you genuinely think would improve my life, let me know below.
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