23 - gifts

For MicroBlogVember

Every year, my mother does this "charity shoebox" thing via Samaritan's Purse, and every year I think to myself, "I can't stop her from contributing to a shitty Christian association that's basically doing colonialism, but maybe I can mitigate the damage by handling what she's putting in there".

Their website says:

Select a medium to large "wow" item such as a soccer ball with pump or stuffed animal, then fill with other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. Don’t forget to also include a personal note and photo—sometimes these are the child's favorite things to receive!


I might be misguided in my intent, privileged as I am, but I figure some kid - even in a so-called "developing nation" - doesn't want to get a toothbrush in their Christmas gift box that they only receive contingent upon joining the church or what have you. I've tried to include games that can be played over and over like Uno, books/comics that explicitly aren't Christian glurge, Legos. For practicality's sake, thick socks are always good (my mother always wants to get the "cute" ones with patterns and I have to stop her), and this year I crammed in some small vacuum flasks.

Anyway, enough virtue signaling on my part for today. Have a good Thanksgiving, folks who celebrate it.

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