1 - Trick or Treat!

For MicroBlogVember

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is meant to Trick you into being able to write 50,000 words of a novel in a month, and having that at the end is meant to be the Treat.

I've tried to do it multiple times. I managed it one time. It always caused me an insane amount of stress. I do not really intend on doing it again for the foreseeable future.

Now that I have a greater understanding of the concepts of executive function, ADHD, and just the never-ending grind and push of capitalism demanding that we constantly Hustle, I've broadly come to the opinion that NaNoWriMo is a well-meaning concept that has been run into the ground. The idea of tearing down some of the mental barriers to getting your writing done (don't worry about editing! get out of your own way and just get some stuff down!) is good, but anyone who suffers from executive dysfunction probably understands that it kind of just becomes another reason to hate yourself for not being good enough to do the thing you are Clearly Supposed To Do.

Why can't you just do NaNoWriMo? The whole point of it is that it makes things easier! You mean you can't even do the thing when it's as easy as possible? What's wrong with you?

AKA, more needless stress. Turns out having a brain where you learn to use deadlines and crises to get things done means you're constantly in crisis mode which just slowly deteriorates every aspect of your body and mind. I fucking can't anymore.

That said, if you're doing it, more power to you. I hope it goes well.

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