The End is Nigh - Thoughts on Final Dungeons
"The End is Nigh" is a collection of simple thoughts on last levels, final dungeons, and endgame zones. I'll update this post periodically if I continue writing more of them.
I started this on a whim. I don't believe the things I have to say on this subject are necessarily insightful or even interesting, but I consider it practice for allowing myself to Simply Say Things without endlessly second-guessing whether my statements are airtight or perfectly researched. I'm not making a textbook, after all.
- 1. The Lunar Subterrane (FF4)
- 2. Fishing Hamlet (Bloodborne)
- 3. Ganon's Castle (Ocarina of Time)
- 4. The Collector Base (Mass Effect 2)
- 5. The Universal Brotherhood (Shadowrun Returns)
- 6. Corona Mountain (Super Mario Sunshine)
- 7. The Inverted Castle (Castlevania Symphony of the Night)
- 8. The Last Stand (FTL)
- 9. Zaozyorje (Metal Gear Solid 3)
- 10. Hyrule Castle (Breath of the Wild)
- 11. Area Zero (Pokemon SV)
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