What is with that name dude?

It's funny and slightly annoying that the program and service I'm using for this is itself called "Obsidian", because I always thought to myself I'd work the word "obsidian" into stuff I make and I ain't about to stop now.


Obisidian is black volcanic glass. It's been used by humans globally for hundreds of thousands of years because it easily fractures into a sharp edge, making it great for arrowheads and blades. And I mean sharp; obsidian cutting edges can get into the nanometers, far sharper than even the best surgical scalpels.

Obsidian Entertainment is a noted game developer that made a bunch of pretty good RPGs. They were named that because the company was founded by refugees of Interplay's Black Isle Studios and there's some thematic lineage there. The work of both studios is formative for me and guided my taste in games across decades.


Moonshine was liquor produced illegally to avoid taxes or other laws, named as such because the distilling was usually carried out at night.

I picked this one for a couple reasons.

Thus, Obsidian Moonshine. I hope you enjoy my work.

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